The Blackhawk Homeowners Association Board of Directors is offering a tag leasing
program for frequent visitors as part of the guest access policy adopted in
connection with the InterAccess Gate Access System. Permanent guests, frequent
visitors, regular vendors (i.e. pool cleaners, housekeepers and gardeners, etc.) of
Blackhawk will be able to lease an access tag with authorization from individual
homeowners or tenants, Blackhawk Country Club or the Homeowners Association.
Under this program, authorized visitors will use the resident lane.
Each lessee must be sponsored by a Homeowner, Tenant, the Blackhawk
Country Club or Blackhawk HOA Office.
The lease fee is $100 per year. The lease fee is non-refundable, regardless
if visitor decides to terminate the lease mid-year.
Copies of current vehicle registrations must be submitted for each vehicle
when applying for tags.
The Association will bill the lessee yearly for the use of the tags. If paid by credit
card, the credit card will be charged at the end of every year, unless the Association
is informed a week before the end of the year that the lessee wishes to terminate the
lease. It is the responsibility of the payee to inform the Association of any change in
credit card information. If lease fees are not received within 15 days, the tags will be
deactivated, and the lease will be terminated.
If a homeowner, tenant or the Country Club wishes to withdraw the authorization for
a specific visitor, they should first inform the visitor and then the Association. If the
visitor wishes to continue the lease, they will have two weeks before the tag is
deactivated to seek authorization from another authorized party. If not, the lessee
may terminate the lease by contacting the Association office.
Any abuse of the tags or breach of the above terms will result in immediate and
permanent deactivation of the tags and any remaining leasing fees will not be